
Xanax Rehab in Orange County

Rehab in Anaheim

Explore the Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Available for Anyone Living With a Benzodiazepine Addiction

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Making the decision to go to rehab is never easy. But when the signs and symptoms of Xanax or benzodiazepine addiction are undeniable, it’s time to consider treatment.

If you are or a loved one is showing the signs and symptoms of benzodiazepine addiction, act now. Help is possible when you attend an intensive rehabilitation program like Lift Off Recovery.

Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs typically taken for anxiety or relaxation for surgery. Common examples include alprazolam (Xanax) and clonazepam (Klonopin). Though both are medications prescribed by doctors, they come with serious risks. They are also controlled substances, which makes it harder for prescriptions to get filled.

Some begin using benzodiazepines as prescribed medications. Then they have trouble getting off them. Others will procure them illegally and find themselves dependent on these medications. When mixed with alcohol, these drugs become especially dangerous.

You may notice the following symptoms in yourself or a family member:

Overdoses on benzodiazepines, especially when combined with other substances, are possible.

Contact emergency services if you or a loved one are experiencing:

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above, do make sure to seek out medical intervention to get the treatment you need.

Our Addiction Treatment Programs

Lift Off Recovery offers several programs to meet your recovery needs: the partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient program, and aftercare. Working with our intake staff, you can decide which program makes the most sense for you.

Partial Hospitalization Program

Partial hospitalization programs like ours at Lift Off Recovery are ideal for those who cannot attend a full-time residential rehabilitation. The benefits of partial hospitalization include being able to remain committed to ones’ family or work.
While you spend time at our facility in Anaheim, you still have the freedom to maintain your responsibilities. This can be used after leaving residential rehab or those who have previously completed residential rehab and need support.

Intensive Outpatient Program

The intensive outpatient program typically follows an inpatient stay. It provides customized support as the recovering patient reenters their normal life. The IOP can help create a day-to-day routine as the patient adjusts to living with new habits. Patients continue to practice life skills and confront the co-occurring conditions that accompanied their benzodiazepine addiction. There is no set treatment approach at this stage, but rather the program aims to meet people where they are during reintegration.


Your worst fear may be that rehab won’t work. Relapse is a real, scary possibility. But when you work the Lift Off Recovery program, including attending aftercare, you give yourself the best possible tools to prevent relapse. When you keep in touch through our aftercare program, we can offer you ongoing support in your new sober life.

How Rehab Can Help

Rehab helps by providing the skills to cope with the challenges of addiction. By tackling individual challenges and utilizing a variety of therapies, rehab can help you get your life back.

Dual Diagnosis

Those who struggle with benzodiazepine addictions often have a co-morbid or dual diagnosis. Getting appropriate treatment for a secondary condition like depression or bipolar disorder can be difficult while trapped in addiction. But a normal, healthy life requires both challenges to be confronted.

At Lift Off Recovery we concentrate heavily on balancing treatment for both diagnoses in our outpatient treatment programs. With a clinical team on your side to personalize a treatment plan that keeps you healthy in reference to both of your dual diagnoses, you have the tools to get back to your life with safety and tranquility.


At Lift Off Recovery, we help our patients cope by providing opportunities for individual therapy, anger management, process groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, and 12 step meetings.

By utilizing each of the available therapeutic offerings, find out which kind of therapy works best for you. In individual therapy, you may be able to identify some childhood triggers that contributed to your addiction. In your process group, you may learn strategies from another patient that you can implement in your own life.

Whole Life Activities

You may feel like you lost your life to addiction. Part of recovery is getting back a sense of self and purpose. That’s why Lift Off Recovery offers whole life activities to get you involved in something stimulating again.

These include life skills workshops, fun activities and outings that you can continue in your sober life like working out, community outreach as a volunteer, and a music program that lets you get creative. Discover who you can be and what it’s like to feel good without substances when you participate in one of these invaluable programs.

Start Your Recovery Today!

You or your loved one do not have to live with the struggle of Xanax or benzodiazepine addiction. Reach out to our friendly and experienced staff today to learn more about recognizing the signs of addiction and how rehab can help bring about long-term changes in your life.

Your journey begins when you contact Lift Off Recovery.


    The Journey Begins


    Take the first step and contact us today. Our admissions specialists are ready to help you get the care you need. We can help you figure out how to pay for treatment and what level of care is right for you.