

Explore the Signs, Symptoms, and the Various Treatment Options Available for Anyone Living With a Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl rehab falls under Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which involves medication and therapy techniques to stop opioid use. This method is used to rehabilitate people to ensure they reintegrate back into their former lives.

Lift Off Recovery is a licensed rehab treatment facility with qualified and empathetic staff ready to help those suffering from addiction. We work with our patients to ensure they beat their addictions and get back to leading happy and healthy lives.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug initially developed to help cancer patients manage chronic pain. It is also 100 times more potent than regular morphine. When prescribed by licensed healthcare professionals, it is in the form of dermal or skin patches, injectable solutions, tablets, or lozenges.

Aside from medical uses, fentanyl is a highly abused substance by people looking for a cheap and quick high. Since fentanyl is an extremely powerful opioid that is cheap to produce, other illicit drugs are often doped with the substance. They do this to achieve a more powerful “high effect” at a lower cost. 

Fentanyl is designated a Schedule II substance as per the Federal Controlled Substances Act regulations. This is because of its high potential for abuse and causing severe dependence and addiction among its users.

Fentanyl will induce addiction whether prescribed by a doctor, procured illicitly, or consumed unknowingly. Dependence and eventual addiction may seem almost sudden. Some individuals may experience the urge or craving to use it after a single dose.

The Dangers of Fentanyl

The most prevalent danger of using fentanyl is fatalities from a drug overdose. A CDC report estimates that more than 100,300 people died from drug overdose between April 2020 and April 2021. Further, most overdose fatalities – around 75,673 resulted from synthetic opioid abuse.

Besides causing death, fentanyl is known to cause extreme dependency in users, which progresses to addiction if not addressed early enough. 

It’s essential to understand how fentanyl affects the human body to appreciate the numerous and varied dangers it presents. Here is a brief overview.

How Fentanyl Affects The Human Body

Fentanyl belongs to a group of exogenous opioids, including other drugs like heroin and morphine. They’re termed exogenous because they’re foreign to the body.

The human body also contains a set of opioids called endogenous opioids. These chemicals work together with opioid receptors and ligands to form the endogenous opioid system. The primary role of the endogenous opioid system is to support optimal body functioning. This system aids the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, immune system, and nervous system.  

Endogenous opioids regulate pain perception, mood, and stress response. However, under certain conditions, endogenous opioids are not enough. This has prompted the medical community to research and develop alternatives in the form of exogenous opioids.

Exogenous opioids like fentanyl and morphine replicate endogenous opioids. However, they stimulate select receptors to achieve a desired more intense effect, i.e., pain relief, stress management, or dependency treatment. Some other medical applications of exogenous opioids include managing drug dependencies and treating coughs and diarrhea.

 Fentanyl’s chemical properties and fast acting ability make the drug appealing to users. They are after the “quick high” it delivers and its effectiveness in managing pain for a few. 

Regardless of use, persistent and extreme abuse opens up individuals to dangers such as:

The above dangers are reported cases caused by legally manufactured fentanyl. Unfortunately, illegally manufactured fentanyl may cause severe effects or more fatalities among users, mostly due to unregulated formulations and dosages.Signs of fentanyl overdose include:

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms

As mentioned above, fentanyl replicates the work of endogenous opioids in maintaining optimum body functioning and, in some cases, abnormal functioning.

When Fentanyl use is stopped abruptly, the brain has to rely on the body’s endogenous opioids. Depending on the intensity of addiction, it may not be enough to maintain the body’s “new optimum normal.” As a result, the body will begin to generate a wide range of responses. The onset of withdrawal symptoms may vary depending on the mode of application.

Depending on the addiction level and a person’s body, all or a few of these symptoms may manifest. However, it is advisable to seek consultation with a qualified health practitioner to rule out any misleading symptoms. A professional can also help you seek treatment if the diagnosis is positive for Fentanyl use and withdrawal.

Lift Off Recovery's Program For Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl addiction negatively impacts a person’s health, ability to work, and relations with friends and family. In some cases, even the mental and physical well-being of close family and friends.

It is also important to understand that people addicted to fentanyl deserve compassion and dignity while in active addiction. They also deserve this compassion and understanding during the treatment process.

Lift Off Recovery considers all of this and strives to deliver the most quality Fentanyl rehab treatment in Orange County. Our treatment program is tailored specifically to individual patient needs and the intensity of their addiction.

Some of the Fentanyl rehab programs we offer include:

  • Inpatient Program: The most effective for extreme Fentanyl addiction, but it is also open to all patients who need maximum support to recover.
  • Outpatient Program: Suited to individuals who have family or work obligations but still require treatment. This program can be in the form of an intensive outpatient program or a partial hospitalization program.
  • Aftercare Program: An outpatient program focused on ensuring patients do not relapse by providing constant guidance, and necessary assistance to help them lead a fulfilling life beyond drugs.

Like other opioid addictions, the success of Fentanyl rehab is highly dependent on a treatment facility’s experience. Our team not only has the experience but we also practice empathy and understanding to help people overcome their addiction. Success will also depend on the person’s willingness to participate in the program and connection to clinical staff.

Some of the treatment options at Lift Off Recovery include:

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If you are looking for inpatient rehab and detox services, Lift Off Recovery can help you recover from an alcohol or drug addiction and safeguard your health and overall well-being.

Lift Off Recovery

At Lift Off Recovery, our aim is to provide patients with all the necessary treatment and support to recover from addiction. We want all of our patients to recover safely and get back to enjoying their lives without drugs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin the journey of transformation.


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